This is a groundbreaking non-surgical treatment that gives you a defined jawline without excessive skin or fat, reversing the signs of aging. Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery has a team of board-certified plastic surgeons who specialize in FaceTite procedure in San Francisco to remove unwanted fat and tighten your skin.

What is FaceTite?

FaceTite is a non-surgical and minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis (RFAL) to remove unwanted fat tissues and tighten the skin tissues. This procedure essentially liquefies the unwanted fat, suctions it out of your body, and restores collagen reserves to tighten the skin tissues. These effects give your face a slim, contoured, and youthful appearance. As a minimally invasive procedure, you can resume most of your daily activities about 48 hours after the treatment.

What FaceTite treats:

  • Unwanted fat tissues
  • Skin laxity and sagging
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Unwanted jowls
  • Double chins

The benefits of FaceTite include:

  • Non-surgical and minimally-invasive procedure
  • Doesn’t leave scars or incision marks
  • Causes minimal pain or discomfort
  • Concludes within a single 30-minute session
  • Negligible risk of complications
  • Produces immediately visible results
  • No downtime or extended recovery
  • Results last for around 5 years
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How does FaceTite work?

FaceTite works on the principles of radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis (RFAL). A small device with electrodes delivers radiofrequency waves into the unwanted pockets of fat to liquify fat cells. The liquified fat tissues are suctioned out via separate tubes. The radiofrequency energy encourages your body to produce new collagen fibers, i.e., the structural framework for the skin. The new collagen fibers tighten the skin tissues to address skin laxity, giving you a firm, taut, and contoured appearance.

Am I the right candidate for FaceTite?

This procedure is suitable for individuals of all ages. As such, you’re a suitable candidate for FaceTite in San Francisco at Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery if you have unwanted fat tissues or excess skin in your face or neck. However, you should be at a stable weight for several months before the procedure to ensure the results won’t be undone by sudden weight gains. Your cosmetic provider will carefully assess the treatment areas and review your medical history to ensure the treatment is safe for you.

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Ask Our Team

How do I move forward with FaceTite?

Where does the procedure take place?

What can I expect during FaceTite?

What can I expect after FaceTite?

What kind of results can I expect?

Why choose Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery for FaceTite?

How do I move forward with FaceTite?

If you’d like to move forward with FaceTite, please schedule a private consultation with the board-certified surgeons and aestheticians at our state-of-the-art medical center. Our cosmetic providers will assess your skin quality, discuss your goals, review your medical history, and curate the ideal FaceTite treatment plan. They might provide preparatory instructions for the procedures. For example, you must avoid smoking or taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications a few weeks before the treatment.

Where does the procedure take place?

The FaceTite procedure takes place at our AAAASF-accredited San Mateo Surgery Center, and our team also has hospital privileges all over San Francisco and San Mateo. Our convenient outpatient surgery center is equipped with the latest cutting-edge technologies and a friendly team of board-certified anesthesiologists. We ensure that your treatment is safe, effective, and painless without complications or excessive downtime.

What can I expect during FaceTite?

During the FaceTite treatment, the cosmetic doctor will administer local anesthesia to ensure optimal comfort. He makes a small incision on the skin’s surface to insert two probes, one on either side of the skin. The probes are pinched together on both sides of the skin. The device is activated to generate radiofrequency waves between the probes that are then moved back and forth across the treatment area. As the radiofrequency energy liquefies the fat cells, another tube is inserted to suction away the liquified fat. The doctor controls the temperature to ensure there’s no unwanted damage to the skin’s surface.

What can I expect after FaceTite?

FaceTite is an in-office and outpatient procedure that usually concludes within 30 to 60 minutes with minimal downtime. Your doctor will provide compression garments to be worn at home to ensure your body heals perfectly. You may experience some swelling, redness, and bruising for a few days, but you can resume most of your daily activities within 48 hours. You should wear sunscreen whenever you step outside for a few weeks.

What kind of results can I expect?

FaceTite provides instant results with continued improvements over several weeks. The unwanted fat is suctioned out of your body, so your face looks significantly slimmer. However, the skin will start tightening after a few days and continue improving for several months as your body produces new collagen fibers. The fat reduction results are instantaneous, but the skin tightening results take time.

Why choose Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery for FaceTite?

Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery is led by a team of board-certified plastic surgeons at an accredited plastic surgery center. Our team is extremely experienced with the latest body contouring procedures, and they ensure optimal and naturalized results that adhere to your expectations. Please schedule a consultation online or call us at 650-249-3169 to discuss your FaceTite options in San Francisco.

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