BOTOX is a purified version of the Botulinum Toxin Type A that has been proven to reduce the effects of facial aging and treat frown lines and crow’s feet, among many other flaws in one’s complexion. When injected into the skin, BOTOX temporarily paralyzes facial muscles that lead to wrinkles. BOTOX injections are among the most popular minimally invasive cosmetic treatments administered by plastic surgeons across the United States.

Areas treated by BOTOX may include…

  • eyebrows
  • cheeks
  • earlobes
  • laugh lines
  • jawline
  • marionette lines
  • chin
  • lips
  • corners of the mouth
  • lipstick lines
  • nasal tip
  • temples
  • forehead
  • under the eyes
  • frown lines
  • crow’s feet
  • worry lines
  • neck
  • platysmal bands
  • dimples

Who is a candidate for BOTOX injections?

BOTOX generally reduces wrinkles by up to 80 percent and is often used on patients between the age of 35 and 60. BOTOX injections administered by our team of board-certified San Francisco plastic surgeons, may be used safely on anyone wishing to achieve a younger, rejuvenated facial appearance. BOTOX is not recommended for women who may be pregnant or breastfeeding, or for individuals suffering from neurologic disease.

In addition, BOTOX is contraindicated for use with certain medications, such as blood thinners and aminoglycoside antibiotics, among others. For this reason, it’s a good idea to consult with your primary care doctor as well as Dr. Liu and his team before surgery if you suffer from any ongoing conditions.

Before treatment

You can minimize side effects and risk of adverse reactions to BOTOX by avoiding alcohol for at least 7 days prior to your injection. Anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin should be halted at least 14 days before injection with BOTOX.

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How is BOTOX procedure performed?

During the BOTOX procedure, your cosmetic surgeon first identifies specific injection sites that will lead to the best possible aesthetic results. Next, he applies a topical numbing solution to the area and administers BOTOX via an injection.

Most Bay Area BOTOX patients receive multiple BOTOX injections in order to reduce wrinkles in more than one area of the face.

The cosmetic BOTOX procedure is generally less than 30 minutes long, depending on how many sites are being treated. The correct dosage of BOTOX needed has to be determined very precisely to prevent any complications. This is why patients should only undergo this type of facial cosmetic procedure with qualified plastic surgeons, such as Dr. Liu and his team who are well-known as a San Jose / San Francisco BOTOX specialists.


Most patients may resume their daily activities immediately following the BOTOX procedure. Mild swelling and discomfort may be felt at the injection sites, which can be treated with a cold compress and/or over-the-counter pain medicine. The full effects of BOTOX are visible about five to seven days after treatment and last three to six months, after which most patients gradually return to their former facial appearance. However, most San Jose BOTOX patients visit our team to undergo touch-up treatments in order to maintain the remarkable results of BOTOX that can improve both the aesthetics of their face, as well as their self-esteem.

Other Options

Bay Area BOTOX patients are often thrilled with the results of their minimally invasive cosmetic treatments. This is why they often undergo additional appearance enhancing procedures, including facial fillers, skin resurfacing, DermaSweep and facial peels in San Francisco.

Laser skin resurfacing is the latest in facial rejuvenation. Our team also performs the Madonna Lift in San Francisco for patients seeking minimally invasive facial rejuvenation.

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State of the art outpatient facilities

Dr. Liu and his team perform all procedures at the AAAASF-accredited San Mateo Surgical Center, where you will receive outstanding patient care, personalized attention, and access to the most advanced breakthrough technology in the industry. From the climate-controlled waiting and reception areas to the spotless surgical suites and soothing, peaceful recovery quarters, you will enjoy a healing environment that promotes well being and comfort at every juncture.

A world-class team

Our team of surgeons work with a proven team of board certified nurses, techs and medical assistants who pride themselves on always going the extra mile to serve you. Never hesitate to alert our team to special requests, questions or concerns during your visit. Satisfaction with every stage of your cosmetic journey is his utmost priority.

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Taking the first step

To get started with BOTOX treatments, you will meet with our team in the privacy of his offices where you and the doctor can determine a detailed plan for eradicating the most insidious signs of aging. Our team will examine your anatomy, go over your medical history, and answer any questions or concerns that may be on your mind. By reviewing our immense library of successful before and after photos, patients can begin to more accurately envision the exciting transformation that is possible with BOTOX.

Why choose our team for BOTOX treatment?

While administering injectables or dermal fillers may seems fairly simple to the untrained eye, there is actually a high degree of skill, knowledge and judgment needed to ensure both patient safety and a result that appears effortlessly natural.

That’s why it’s so important to entrust your face to experienced, board certified surgeons such as Dr. Liu and his team, rather than taking your chances with un-credentialed practitioners at a spa or skin clinic.

What’s more, if a first-time patient were to experience a negative reaction to BOTOX, as a physician with decades of training, our team is qualified to handle any and all medical issues that may arise.

Furthermore, our team's sophisticated aesthetic sensibilities have been honed through years of rigorous training, peer evaluation and residencies, giving us the ability to provide subtle, nuanced outcomes that do not appear “done.”

A Word About Financing...

BOTOX injections can be made very affordable through our partners at CareCredit. Visit them at Jasmine would be happy to answer any of your questions or assist you with the necessary paperwork.

Insurance Notes:

BOTOX is usually considered an aesthetic procedure and as such is not covered by insurance. Jasmine would be happy to assist you with any pre-certification if your insurance covers the procedure.

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