Candidates for SmartSkin Laser Skin Resurfacing and Tightening

SmartSkin is suitable for anyone with visible signs of aging around the face, such as:

  • Lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Crows’ feet
  • Droopy eyelids and eyebrows
  • Dark circles under the eyes

Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery has been designated as Cynosure Clinical Training Center in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area.

Treatment is completely customizable to meet the specific needs of the patient.

The SmartSkin CO2 laser makes tiny holes in the damaged collagen of the skin. The skin responds by producing new collagen to essentially “remodel” the injured tissue. The SmartSkin laser can be adjusted to reach different depths within the skin. The result is an overall rejuvenation in the skin and reduction of lines, sagginess and other common cosmetic concerns. Three to five treatments is usually recommended, but our team can make specific recommendations during a personal consultation.


Treatment with the SmartSkin laser requires minimal downtime. Patients may experience some redness, dryness and tightening, which is normal. It is important, however, to avoid the sun while recovering from any laser skin resurfacing treatment.

The results will appear during the weeks following treatment. When performed by Dr. Liu and his team, board-certified and highly regarded San Francisco / San Jose laser skin resurfacing and tightening specialists, the results may last for years.

Other Options

SmartSkin CO2 laser skin resurfacing therapy is one of many treatment options for San Jose, San Mateo and San Francisco cosmetic surgery patients who want to reduce the effects of aging. Additional facial beautification procedures include microdermabrasion in San Francisco, DermaSweep, hydro-assisted dermabrasion and chemical peels, such as Vi peel and Pumpkin peel.

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A Word About Financing...

SmartSkin treatment can be made very affordable through our partners at CareCredit. Visit them at Jasmine would be happy to answer any of your questions or assist you with the necessary paperwork.

Insurance Notes:

SmartSkin repair is usually considered an aesthetic procedure and as such is not covered by insurance. Jasmine would be happy to assist you with any pre-certification if your insurance covers the procedure.

Video Testimonial

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